Mastering The Human Personal Analytics Data Flow For Better Writing

Patrick Greenwood
5 min readJun 13, 2022

Write it down, it will make sense later :)

John P Gormally. Author, writer, coffee merchant. Fictional writer and cybersecurity blogger.

For those of us who are into the study of personal analytics and for others who believe in the power of numbers, here’s a question to consider: Is it possible to pursue data-driven decision-making in our personal life?

Life showed that more meaningful insights could be drawn from personal data to become our informed decision algorithm. Personal data processing is not new. Do we listen to ourselves enough to trust our natural intelligence?

Processing Our Data In Milliseconds

Many of my friends ask me, “when in LA do you see the most movie stars and famous people?” Jokingly, I tell them, “rehab centers in Pasadena.” Kidding

If you often run into famous people, it will most likely happen at LAX airport. Usually, when I am in line to check in, someone famous will be sitting at the gate, using the bathroom, or standing in line at Starbucks. These “famous people” do not fly first class or private jets. They, like most of us, shop around the lowest-cost airlines. Seeing Josh Broden take ValueJet from LAX to Vancouver for filming and seeing Ron Perlman walk his dog before boarding a plane is mind-boggling.



Patrick Greenwood

Patrick Greenwood, is a fictional writer, award winning podcaster, blogger, and global cyclist.