Creating a bad ass character in fictional writing. Easy? Hardly!!

Patrick Greenwood
2 min readJul 31, 2021

Girl power? Badass? Tough as nails? Asskicking chick?.. yea, all stereotypes of female characters. Yet, as a writer we love to have “superheroes” for our audience to connect with. Superheroes could be normal people that demonstrate super human feats or someone that is clearly smarter that most. I love writing fiction. In my fictional story telling, I love to develop characters that could become non-fictional personalities. The key is developing a strong ass-kicker character is patience. Patience in your writing and development overt time of the character itself. In my first novel, “Sunrise in Saigon”, Regina Kendall play’s a troubled high school teen dealing with her parents divorce and some ways, her own sexuality.

In the 2nd novel, “Veil over Taiwan”, Regina becomes a war hero in the US Coast Guard with several medals for stopping the various drug carters from smuggling cargo and weapons into the US. Soon after Regina leaves the military, she enrolled into Harvard and received her law degree. Later in the story, he gets involved a cross border shooting with the Chinese…



Patrick Greenwood
Patrick Greenwood

Written by Patrick Greenwood

Patrick Greenwood, is a fictional writer, award winning podcaster, blogger, and global cyclist.

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